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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Spam Musubi Sushi

Okay, I know, Spam right?! I swear this is one of our families favorite foods. Musubi is a very popular form of Sushi from Hawaii, and my friend Mikeli taught me how to make it. It is easy, super economical, and my kids love it. This dish is a great way to introduce your kids to sushi, and they will have a blast making it. BTW, it is pronounced moo-soo-bee.


1 can of Spam, cut lengthwise into 8-10 slices
6 C prepared Calrose Rice, or of sushi rice
4-5 sheets of Sushi Nori (roasted seaweed), cut in 1/2
Ponzu and/or Soy Sauce

Teriyaki Sauce
1/2 C soy Sauce
1/2 C Mirin (sweet rice vinegar)
1/2 C Sugar

Cut the spam lengthwise into 8-10 slices, depending on the thickness. Fry the spam for 2 minutes or so, until brown and slightly crispy on the outside. Remove from the heat and drain on paper towels.

For teriyaki sauce, combine soy sauce, mirin, and sugar and mix well. Bring to a boil in saucepan, reduce to a simmer for a couple of minutes. Pour into a shallow dish and let the spam slices marinate for 5 minutes.

Now, prepare to roll the spam musubi! The kids will love to help with this. If you have a Spam Press, it goes quicker, but a set of hands does the trick as well, just use the Spam can as the mold. Have a small glass of water handy to seal the Nori once rolled.

In the middle of the Nori, use 1/4 c of rice and mold with Spam Press or the Spam can, pressed it should be about 1/4 of an inch thick. Place a slice of the marinated spam on top of the pressed rice. Cover with an additional 1/4 c rice and press again.

Fold one side of the nori over the top of the spam and rice "sandwich", and press lightly. Slightly wet the other end of the nori and fold on top of the other piece to seal.

They are now ready to eat, yummy!!! We dip the Musubi into leftover teriyaki sauce or soy, or ponzu, sauce.

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