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Monday, May 2, 2011

Fried Corn, MMMMMM, Yummy!

Corn and fried, two of my favorite things!

Cassi, my 7 year old, lost her 2 front teeth over the last week, and we are having a hard time trying to find foods that she can “take a bite out of,” ha ha. We love corn on the cob, and wanted to grill them, but being a typical Colorado spring, it was 30 degrees and snowing. So, we decided to make the corn a little bit easier for Cassi to eat by taking it off the cob. This recipe is so easy, and yummy as well. If your kids don’t like corn, give this one a try, they will love it. We served this with Lipton Onion burgers, check out the hamburger recipe at

Fried Corn
4 Corn on the Cob
2 TBS margarine
1TB Bacon Grease (worth it)
Salt and Pepper
½ C water
Shuck the corn and remove all silks, giving the kids a stiff brush will get them involved in this recipe.
Using a large bowl with a smaller bowl inverted upside down inside of the larger bowl with help you to cut the kernels off of the cob. I’ve also heard of using an angel food pan will help to catch all of the kernels in the bottom of the pan, I will used this idea in the future! Try to scrape the cob clean with the back of the knife, we don’t want to waste any of the corn’s sweet kernels.  My son Tatum helped me do this, but may not be appropriate for younger kids.
Put the margarine and bacon grease in a pan over medium heat, add the corn and corn pulp. Season the corn to taste, about ½ tsp of each. I try to limit salt in our family, so I add it now and not later so I can control how much salt my family gets. Add ½ cup of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat to simmer for about 30 minutes. I usually can’t wait, as the sweet smell gets my taste buds going crazy.
Cassi and her two missing front teeth. The tooth Fairy is going broke!!

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