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About Me

I love to cook, always have, but seem to be too busy, too tired, or just not sure of what to cook. This all changed when my husband left for 7 months with the Army. I have two wonerful children, my son Tatum is 12, and my daughter Cassi is 7. When Mike left, the kids and I fell into a rut, eating pizza, maccaroni and cheese, or simply going out to eat. This was not healthy for us, or the pocketbook, so I had to come up with a way to change our eating habits. I went to the store with my kids, as many of us mother's know, I DREAD taking the kids with me. Between the, "mommy I want this," and the "are we done yet," I thought we would never get done. Not bringing a shopping list did not help my train of thought, and I was ready to abandon the cart and go to Taco Bell for dinner! My daughter, not being one to give up, started asking me about Italian food. On the top shelf was Potato Gnocchi, something I have never made, nor even knew what it was! She thought it looked "yummy," so after looking up a recipe on my smart phone, we came up with a dinner for that night. Not only did we have a good dinner planned, but it gave me the strength to finish the shopping, and my kids and I came up with a few other ideas for dinner that week. When we got home, Cassi and Tatum helped me put away the groceries (something they have never done before, but has become a natural recurrence since) because they were so excited to help me cook this new food. My daughter donned her apron, my son cut up the tomatoes and before you new it, we had a yummy dinner that the three of us were enjoying making together. This is how I got the idea to blog about our families cooking, the good, bad and ugly (or burnt), but always a learning experience. Please join us in this adventure, and hopefully you will laugh and eat along with us!